You Are Not Alone—Mental Health Awareness Month

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), one in five adults in the United States reported having a mental condition prior to 2020. And, because of the pandemic, that number is surely higher. That’s at least 20 percent of our population, who may be feeling isolated, alone, and too ashamed to seek help due to the stigma associated with mental illness. Many do not even know how to begin to seek help. 

With the unprecedented levels of grief, trauma, and stress resulting from the ongoing pandemic, it’s more important than ever to acknowledge, connect, reach out, and come together to improve the mental health of everyone.  

This year’s theme for Mental Health Awareness Month—"You Are Not Alone”—is the perfect message of support. It’s not only for the person experiencing mental illness, it’s also for the loved ones who care for them. Those four words can make all the difference in encouraging someone to seek out another person to talk to—be it a therapist or a friend.

At Spirit Greetings, we are joining the national movement to shine a light on the importance of mental health, and how each of us can do our part to be there for someone with mental illness. It’s a natural fit for us—not only because our printable greeting cards are created specifically for reaching out to someone going through a hard time, but also because we have experienced mental illness on a deep personal level. 

The suicide of my 12-year old brother, who had undiagnosed bipolar disorder, as well as my own resulting depression and PTSD episodes that surfaced many years afterwards, have fueled my desire to create art on cards that spread messages of hope to those who need love and encouragement the most.

The simple act of sending a card to let them know you’re there for them is a huge first step. 

During the month of May, proceeds from the sale of this You Are Not Alone card will go to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

To learn more steps and actions you can take to help and support someone you know, here are a list of resources from NAMI:

How to Help a Friend

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness

Mental Health Conditions

Get Involved in the Awareness Effort



Author Deidre Marie 
Deidre Marie is an award-winning photographer, artist, writer, and co-founder of She loves creating the original hand lettering and watercolor artwork featured on the printable, mental/spiritual care and support cards offered here. <3



Deidre Marie